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The Cost of Independence

I thought it appropriate on today, the 4th of July, to address a topic often glazed over by the wider populace. The aspect of independence and its innate cost, that of “personal responsibility”.

For years I have said, “Personal safety is also a personal responsibility”,
and I’ve seen the heads nod in audiences, yet I often wonder how many heads I am getting through to in these same audiences. We have developed a very victim-centered population. Proof of this is seen on television whenever someone is attacked, someone is threatened, someone is harmed in some way and those being interviewed on camera ask, “Where were the ‘police’ when this happened?!” Guess, what? They were doing their job, just somewhere else.

It’s been said that “When trouble is seconds away, the police are ‘minutes’ away.”
That is not an indictment on any police force, that is a CHALLENGE TO US as citizens to be better prepared ourselves.

For some this is why they install a security system in their home or business
(even better if it is monitored), while for others it is why they have dogs guarding their home or business (noise is always a deterrent, let alone noise that has “teeth”). For some this is why they take self-defense classes, while for others it is why they choose to own a firearm. Whatever the measure taken, I applaud such measures as what such actions are really saying is that “I am not relying on someone ‘else’ to protect me or what is mine.” This is the very essence of “independence”.

This July 4th while the fireworks are going off over cities as well as in backyards
, I hope the theme of this day will also “ignite” a renewed sense of what this country was founded upon, the right and responsibility of self-determination and self-preservation. Every once in a while we all need to be reminded of the cost of independence today, just as in years past. That cost the willingness to act for yourself. We call such actions “personal responsibility”.

Jeff McKissack, Founder
Trouble Spotters

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A Trouble Spotter is a licensed instructor of Defense By Design, presenting educational programs to private sector audiences, helping everyday people learn to identify, and therefore hopefully avoid, becoming victims of violent crime. Simply put, a Trouble Spotter is someone who will help you learn how to better “spot trouble before trouble spots you”!