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Diversify Your Portfolio — in Defense!

We’ve all heard the old saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” In fact, the entire financial services field has been built on this premise. Whenever you sit down with your planner or manager, they talk stocks, bonds, annuities, 401K, precious metals, etc all to strengthen your financial standing “in case” one or more does not perform at the rate or standard of another. It makes absolute sense.

Now take that same person and ask
, “So what have you done to keep yourself and/or your family safer?” The response will not take long. “Nothing much” is probably the most (honest) response. Occasionally I’ll hear something like, “Well, I took a self-defense course” (afternoon, one week, one month, etc likely), or nowadays “I got my concealed carry permit” and/or “I bought a gun”. Some will even brag about their home security system — “only” their home security system, which is fine…if you happen to live in your home 24/7/365 and never venture outside or go anywhere else.

As I have said and written on other occasions,
I am not against anything that people do (or buy) to make themselves safer, so long as you understand “no one, single thing” will ever make you completely “safe”. You must diversify your personal protection portfolio as you do your financial portfolio “in case” one or more strategies do not perform as expected. This, too, makes absolute sense.

I recall talking to a woman who was raped years ago
in her gated apartment community, in her second-floor apartment. She was quite proficient with firearms, and relied on this as her sole means of defense. The problem was her attacker was there before she was, found the gun, and it turned out poorly for her. Following this, she told me she started taking personal defense classes (not a one-time seminar), she learned how to use a knife, she became more diligent about locking doors and windows and setting the alarm, and she also carried pepper spray with her on a regular basis. It took a tragedy for her to learn the benefits of a “diversified portfolio”.

Another female friend of mine who has never been attacked
was proactive in her own defense. She became a firearms instructor, also took self-defense classes (over time), and is rarely if ever found not carrying a gun, a knife, and pepper spray. Is she afraid? No. Is she paranoid? No. Is she prepared? No one can say with absolute certainty, but she is WAY AHEAD of the average person’s level of preparedness for sure!

For those who have taken the time
and made the (financial) investment to secure your financial future, think for a moment. What have you done to secure your physical safety future as well? How about that of your family when you are not around or home? Think of your options, pursue several, diversify your plans of action. In other words, diversify your portfolio — in DEFENSE!

Jeff McKissack, Founder
Trouble Spotters

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A Trouble Spotter is a licensed instructor of Defense By Design, presenting educational programs to private sector audiences, helping everyday people learn to identify, and therefore hopefully avoid, becoming victims of violent crime. Simply put, a Trouble Spotter is someone who will help you learn how to better “spot trouble before trouble spots you”!